1998 – President, Joe Tirpak
- April 14
- The Gathering Storm, the Causes of the Civil War
- Presenter: Bob Baucher – Founding Member
- May 12
- Why the North Won and the South Lost
- Presenters: Bob Baucher & Joe Tirpak – Founding Members
- September 8
- Elliot Morrow, Enlisted Soldier, 32nd Ohio
- Presenter: Dr. Hugh Earnhart – Retired History Professor – YSU
- October 13
Eyewitness to History, Breaking the Japanese Code – WWII
Presenter: Oliver C. Schroeder – Retired Professor CWRU
- November 10
- New Market, a Small Battle but not a Forgotten One (Slide Presentation)
- Presenter: Bob Bayless- Founding Member
- December 10
- The High Water Mark of the Confederecy, the Second Day at Gettysburg
- Presenter: Ed Bearss – Chief Historian National Park Service